Wow Private Server using Mysql, cmake, c++ compiling, docker, & proxy forwarding
layout: post title: “World of Warcraft private server - Azerothcore” date: 2023-11-27 17:02:00 -0700 categories: portfolio update projects
About a decade ago when the Wrath of the Litch expansion released I had started up a private server on my very first computer.
I did not understand as much about computers/networking as I do now so I wanted to re-attempt. I found an opensource project called Azerothcore and started my project. It turned out to be a great learning exercise utilizing MySQL, C-Make, VS Studio C++ compiling, docker, and proxy forwarding.
The end result was a server I could run on my laptop and play from anywhere, even utilizing a forked branch of the main respository that has a module for simulating players using bots based off real player-data. Check out the pics below: